About debug messages in knitr
When writing markdown documents for processing with knitr, warnings and messages are usually shown in the output document. Often, I also want to print debug messages to the console, e.g. for indicating progress etc.
When writing markdown documents for processing with knitr, warnings and messages are usually shown in the output document. Often, I also want to print debug messages to the console, e.g. for indicating progress etc.
2024-04-01 | #Assembly #ONT #Paper #Snakemake
My paper on two Snakemake workflows for bacterial genome assembly now published in GigaByte: Snakemake workflows for long-read bacterial genome assembly and evaluation. The first workflow, called ont-assembly-snake, is used for generating multiple genome assemblies from long-read sequencing data of a bacterial isolate.
2023-11-15 | #Clinical Diagnostics #Paper
Our paper about a nosocomial outbreak of Pandoraea spp. was recently published in Emerging Infections Diseases: Outbreak of Pandoraea commovens Infections among Non-Cystic Fibrosis Intensive Care Patients, Germany, 2019-2021 In total, 24 patients from 4 hospitals in Berlin were affected.
2023-11-09 | #Snakemake
After figuring out how to make one Snakefile that can deal with both single-end and paired-end sequencing files in one workflow, I was still missing a puzzle piece: How to deal with globbing to get the fastq files in the rule’s input section.
2023-10-24 | #Snakemake
Recently, I was thinking about how to set up a Snakemake workflow that can deal with both single-end and paired-end sequencing datasets. For Illumina, paired-end sequencing results in two FASTQ files for each sample: one file with the forward reads and one file with the reverse reads, which have R1 and R2 in the file names.